
Long-term effects of multiple fractures and osteoarthritis

Long-term effects of multiple fractures and osteoarthritis

"I'm 85 years old and have always been very athletic, I ski and race cars. So I have had many accidents during my lifetime: seven skiing accidents – including right shoulder broken three times, collarbone broken once – and later osteoarthritis appeared in the knee and hip joints, which temporarily improved with CEFATEC 480 BT. After a skiing accident eight years ago, the right shoulder and collarbone repaired very poorly, which progressively became more painful. In the last two years the pain was unbearable and in addition there was also a stabbing pain that kept me awake at night. I could barely walk, sit, or lie. Medications did not help. So I decided with very little hope for a treatment with HECT and today I am grateful that I took this opportunity. Shoulder, back, thymus, spine and both knees were treated three times per week for 10 minutes each. In the beginning I did not feel much, except that I felt a little more energetic after each treatment. But after the second treatment session the unbearable pain eased in my right shoulder and I could sleep at night, even though not right through. After further treatment the stabbing pain has not returned and now I have only slight pulling pain, but I can walk, sit and lie. The osteoarthritis in the knees and hips has gone. I am immensely happy to be able to lead a normal life almost without pain and hope that HECT will soon be more widely known and can help other patients, because most doctors and patients do not know this wonderful therapy".

Ms E.S., 85 Years old, from Salzburg, Austria.